Amanda & Gabriel

Ensaio Casal

Na última quinta eu fui até a Ilha das Peças (litoral paranaense) fotografar a Amanda e o Gabriel. Sabe aqueles casais que você passa alguns instantes juntos e já sabe que foram feitos um para o outro? Então, com eles é assim. Se entendem e se completam, fazem tudo ficar mais fácil lado a lado. Uma tarde fantástica! Com um pouco de calor, um pouco de vento, que renderam momentos lindos até o pôr-do-Sol. Muitas fotos, muitos sorrisos e muitas histórias para contar. Um casal super alto astral que proporcionou uma tarde super agradável com belos registros. Entre risadas e carinhos, registrei com amor o que eles tem um pelo outro, que vocês podem conferir logo abaixo.E que venha o grande dia!!!.

Last Thursday I went to Ilha das Peças (Paraná coast) to photograph Amanda and Gabriel. Do you know those couples that you spend a few moments together and already know that they were made for each other? So, it’s like that with them.If they understand and complement each other, they make everything easier side by side. A fantastic afternoon! With a little heat, a little wind, which yielded beautiful moments until sunset. Many photos, many smiles and many stories to tell.A super high-spirited couple who provided a super pleasant afternoon with beautiful records.

Between laughter and affection, I lovingly registered what they have for each other, which you can check out below. And may the big day come !!!

Sailboat masts rise against a blue sky with wispy clouds at a marina.
Boat maintenance work being performed at a marina dock with buildings in the background.
Person at the helm of a sailboat under a blue canvas cover.
Close-up view of nautical equipment and steering wheel on a boat.
Sailors on deck of boat under blue canopy during daytime sailing.
People working together on a sailboat deck under bright sunlight.
View looking up at sailors on deck with blue canopy and masts overhead.
People enjoying a sunny day aboard a sailboat at the marina.
Black and white image of rope coiled on deck of sailing vessel.
Black and white photo of sailing on calm waters with hills in the distance.
Experienced captain in ProLife shirt standing at helm of boat on sunny day.
Friends relaxing and sharing drinks on sailboat deck in black and white.
Intimate black and white moment of couple embracing on sailing vessel.
Romantic black and white photo of intimate embrace on boat.
View of cargo ship on horizon from sailboat deck with drinks in foreground.
Couple enjoying sunny day while sitting on deck of sailboat.
Scenic mountain range silhouette across water during sunset.
Romantic moment between couple on sailboat at golden hour.
Couple in casual attire sharing intimate moment against sailboat canvas.
Sunset sailing scene with boat rigging and sails in warm golden light.