Mais do que contar a história deles, é poder contar a história deste dia. Vou resumir em poucas palavras, afinal tento contar em imagens.

Um mini wedding, bem mini mesmo, haha, foi lá na Capela Nossa Senhora da Glória, aqui em Curitiba. O som ficou por conta do Rapha, que não sabia direito como o bluetooth funcionava. O noivo terminou de se arrumar ali mesmo, na igreja, no dia do casamento pode tudo, inclusive o padre que deu uma atrasadinha, de leve, bença padre.

O bouquet de flores que o Luca mandou pra Lari, minutos antes da entrada, virou o boquet de noiva, que foi montado ali no carro mesmo, na frente da igreja.

A irmã do noivo que tá lá na Itália viu tudo ao vivo e a cores, pelo celular, salve a tecnologia.

Não teve entrada de padrinhos, não teve chuva de arroz, praticamente nenhuma formalidade, mas nada disso fez falta. As formalidades ficaram por conta dos sorrisos, abraços, lágrimas, pelo carinho de cada um que estava lá, a simplicidade, o sol, o dia único, o amor único, uma história única.

Este foi o dia da Lari e Luca, repleto de amor e simplicidade, repleto de tudo que importa.

More than telling their story, it is being able to tell the story of this day. I will summarize in a few words, after all I try to count in images. A mini wedding, really mini, haha, was there in the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Glória, here in Curitiba. The sound was up to Rapha, who wasn't sure how the bluetooth worked. The groom finished dressing up right there, in the church, on the wedding day, everything can be done, including the priest who gave a late, slightly, blessing priest. The bouquet of flowers that Luca sent to Lari, minutes before the entrance, became the bridal bouquet, which was mounted there in the car, in front of the church. The sister of the groom who is there in Italy saw everything live and in color, by cell phone, save the technology. She had no sponsors, no rice rain, virtually no formalities, but none of that was needed. The formalities were due to the smiles, hugs, tears, the affection of everyone who was there, the simplicity, the sun, the unique day, the unique love, a unique story. This was Lari and Luca's day, full of love and simplicity, full of everything that matters.

Interior of a small chapel with wooden pews and traditional Catholic altar.
Sunlight streams through palm trees with a church steeple visible in the background.
Religious ceiling fresco depicting angels surrounding a central figure in golden tones.
Dramatic black and white shot of a wooden floor with soft light streaming across it.
Silhouetted figures walking through an interior church space lit by natural light.
Man in business attire smiling while looking at his mobile phone indoors.
Two men conversing near an ornate religious statue in a church setting.
Man in formal attire gesturing expressively in a church setting.
Person adjusting their gray suit jacket in an elegant indoor setting.
Bearded man in gray suit jacket smiling warmly in church interior.
Profile view of a bearded man in formal attire against dark background.
Person standing alone in empty church facing altar in dramatic black and white.
Group looking at smartphone together in ornate church interior.
People gather inside a small church with stained glass windows and arched architecture.
Sunlit car interior view through window with palm trees visible outside.
Blue car parked outside a church with palm trees and warm sunset lighting.
Artistic black and white close-up of wavy hair and formal attire.
Black and white close-up of hands with bracelet in dramatic lighting.
Handwritten note being signed in blue ink on white paper.
Person in light colored suit writing outdoors during golden hour.