Marcela & Jayme

Casamento, São Paulo

Foi um mix de analógico e digital, e confesso que já fazia um tempo que queria experimentar esse combo, não sei o motivo mas algo nessa estética me agrada muito, o imperfeito, a nostalgia talvez, mas algo me diz que é um bom caminho a seguir. O que acham? Espero postar mais casamentos aqui no blog, mas vocês não sabem o quanto é difícil fazer um post aqui, sério não sei nem o que falar, só sentir. hahaha Já é muito difícil separar fotos de um casamento, agora imaginem quando o casamento tem dois dias de festa, pois então, é isso. haha Esse é o dia do casamento da Marcela & Jayme, as fotos do welcome wedding eu vou postando no insta e aqui no site. E se vocês acham que eles iram estar cansados de festa, estão errados, com direito a dancinha comendo hambúrguer e shots pra galera. Não tem coisa melhor! <3

IIt was a mix of analogue and digital, and I confess that I've wanted to try this combo for a while, I don't know why, but something about this aesthetic pleases me a lot, the imperfect, nostalgia maybe, but something tells me it's a good way to follow. What do you think? I hope to post more weddings here on the blog, but you don't know how difficult it is to make a post here, seriously I don't even know what to say, just feel. hahahaIt's already very difficult to separate photos from a wedding, now imagine when the wedding has two days of celebration, because then, that's it. hahaThis is Marcela & Jayme's wedding day, the welcome wedding photos I'll be posting on insta and here on the site. And if you think they're going to be party-tired, you're wrong, with the right to dancing with hamburgers and shots for everyone. There's nothing better! <3

A charming stone cottage with climbing vines and red flowers surrounded by cypress trees.
An antique lantern illuminated among lush green ivy leaves.
A wooden garden gate surrounded by tropical foliage and hedges.
A dramatic black and white photo of a Victorian mansion tower with arched windows.
A moody black and white landscape of outdoor lounge chairs among tall trees.
An abstract black and white photograph of palm trees in motion.
A dramatic black and white landscape with stormy clouds over rolling hills.
A behind-the-scenes makeup preparation moment in black and white.
A close-up black and white portrait showing a bright smile and fur collar.
Woman wearing a fur coat and white blouse poses indoors against dark framed mirror.
Black and white profile portrait of woman in white robe with elegant updo hairstyle.
Close-up of woman having makeup applied with cosmetic brush in black and white.
Black and white image of woman getting ready in front of mirror.
Elegant white wedding dress hanging on display against stone wall with arched windows.
Wedding shoes and floral accessories arranged on dark wooden stumps in black and white.
Delicate white lace wedding dress with long sleeves displayed against greenery.
Black and white photo of person standing on balcony of elegant house.
Men in white shirts adjusting their attire in mirror.
Man in white dress shirt buttoning cuff in dramatic lighting.
Groomsmen helping each other get ready in black and white, adjusting formal attire before wedding ceremony.