E ventava…
O sol estava lá, para esquentar o quanto podia e iluminar todos os sorrisos e lágrimas.
Não existe hora certa pra conhecer alguém, mas existe a disposição para que tudo aconteça.
O amor está ai, em todos os lugares, a todo momento, mas temos que estar dispostos a ver.
Mas ventava, para balancear com o sol e criar novas lembranças, ventava. A ponto da noiva ter que tirar seu véu, mas não de perder o sorriso nem de secar as lágrimas.
O amor é algo simples, assim como o sol e vento, que juntos fazem o dia perfeito.
And it was windy ... The sun was there, to warm up as much as it could and to illuminate all smiles and tears. There is no right time to meet someone, but there is a willingness for everything to happen. Love is there, everywhere, at all times, but we have to be willing to see it. But it was windy, to balance with the sun and create new memories, it was windy. To the point that the bride had to remove her veil, but not to lose her smile or dry her tears. Love is simple, just like the sun and wind, which together make the perfect day.